
Japanese 合唱がっしょう (singing chorus) vocabulary

Some vocabulary that might help anyone joining a choir/chorus in Japan!

Word Definition
合唱がっしょう chorus of singers
こえたかい・ひく high/low voice (pitch)
声がおおきい・ちいさい loud/quiet voice
強弱きょうじゃく dynamics (loudness/quietness) of sound. The general idea of not singing everything at the same volume, but adjusting it to fit the mood and style of the song.
わせる to match/harmonise your voice with the rest of the group
がる raising voice and tension (e.g. leading up to chorus or climax of song)
主線しゅせん the leading part of the song (can change over time, e.g. from male part to female part)
声がせない・ない (koe ga dasenai / denai) voice won’t come out (tired/ill)
歌詞かし lyrics (pronounced )
楽譜がくふ sheet music (score)
小節しょうせつ musical bar
伴奏ばんそう musical accompaniment (guitar, piano etc.)
アルト, ソプラノ alto, soprano
女声じょせい, 男声だんせい female, male voice/part
ハーモニー, 和声わせい harmony. note 和声 is せい (和製 is せい)
ビブラート vibrato (generally discouraged in a choir setting)
キー key (of music)
う、 to breathe in and breathe out (often heard as 吸って、吐いて when breathing together)
発声練習はっせいれんしゅう vocal exercises (e.g. scales or singing tongue-twisters)
ファルセット, 裏声うらごえ falsetto
to sing a (high) note in falsetto. A hint of falsetto is 気味ぎみ
地声じごえ natural voice
胸声きょうせい chest voice
頭声とうせい head voice
声域せいいき(がひろい) voice range (is wide)
ばす to hold a note
ビリビリ state of your throat when forcing out a poor-sounding high note
しぼれる to have your throat constrict (when voicing a high note)
サビ chorus, hook, high point of a song. Also used to refer to the closing high note(s) of a song.
録音ろくおんする sound recording (more simply る)
腹式呼吸ふくしきこきゅう abdominal breathing (from lower chest rather than from the throat)
(○○きょくを)とっている to have learned a melody of a song (more or less)