
All sorts of things you can get wrong in Unicode, and why

If you’ve read this StackOverflow post, you know about all the things you can get wrong when using Unicode. This post explains why.

If you are not too familiar with Unicode, please read my introductory article first.

General Unicode Assumptions

Code that assumes that web pages in Japanese or Chinese take up less space in UTF-16 than in UTF-8 is wrong.

The majority of characters in an HTML document are markup (tags) and line terminators, not content. For plain text, UTF-16 is a more compact encoding, as it represents code points between U+0800 and U+FFFF in 2 bytes rather than 3 - this range includes most commonly used CJKV characters.

Of course, HTML markup and line terminators are all firmly in the ASCII range, and represented as a single byte in UTF-8, but two in UTF-16.

There’s another downside to using UTF-16 in web pages: you’ll have to specify the encoding in your HTTP header. On the other hand, browsers are able to treat UTF-8 data as ASCII until they find a charset meta tag.

Code that assumes roundtrip equality on casefolding, like lc(uc($s)) eq $s or uc(lc($s)) eq $s, is completely broken and wrong.

(Assuming $s is a single character)

tchrist already provides an example of σ and ς. The latter is for the last character in a word; both have an uppercase Σ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA but the lowercase of Σ is σ.

There’s also ß LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S which is ‘SS’ in uppercase, and therefore ‘ss’ when mapped back to lowercase!

Finally, there’s Dz which is DZ in upper-case, and dz after mapping to lower-case again.

When you need to do case-insensitive comparisons, do a Unicode casefold on all the strings and compare those. Casefolding is explicitly a one-way operation.

Code that assumes changing the case doesn’t change the length of the string is broken.

There are plenty of counterexamples, including which uppercases to ‘FF’; the aforementioned ß; and 101 other codepoints.

Code that believes that stuff like /s/i can only match “S” or “s” is broken and wrong. You’d be surprised.

It also matches ſ. Similarly, /k/i matches KELVIN SIGN. In both cases, the /i flag is required.

Code that assumes that it cannot use \x{FFFF} is wrong.

The codepoint U+FFFF is illegal for ‘open interchange’; that is, it can be used internally but should not form part of your program’s output.

Code that believes things like ₨ contain any letters in them is wrong.

I am unsure about this because has a compatibility decomposition to ‘R’ ‘s’ (see the code chart). In general though, won’t match a regex search for ‘R’ or ‘s’ unless decomposed as above. It also won’t match \p{Letter} or \p{Alphabetic}.

Code that converts unknown characters to ? is broken, stupid, braindead, and runs contrary to the standard recommendation, which says NOT TO DO THAT! RTFM for why not.

Unicode says text processors are allowed to not know about a codepoint (e.g. higher Unicode version, or a Private Use character) but they should pass it through unchanged. Replacing them with ‘?’ destroys data.

Not to be confused with REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (U+FFFD), used to replace characters that are unknown or not representable in Unicode. Defined here.

Code that assumes only letters have case is broken. Beyond just letters, it turns out that numbers, symbols, and even marks have case. In fact, changing the case can even make something change its main general category, like a \p{Mark} turning into a \p{Letter}. It can also make it switch from one script to another.

I’ll illustrate this with examples.

  • Roman numerals such as and clearly have case.
  • The µ MICRO SIGN resides in the Common script for compatibility with Latin-1, but uppercases to Μ GREEK CAPITAL LETTER MU, in Greek.
  • Letters in circles such as are cased, but have \p{General_Category=Symbol}.

As an aside, 129 codepoints are \p{Cased}, but map only to themselves.

Code that assumes that case is never locale-dependent is broken.

Casing is dependent on both language and the context of the character (for example if it appears in the middle or at the end of a word). See SpecialCasing for a few examples.

One example of language-dependent casing is whether or not to keep accents in capital letters.

Code that assumes there is only two cases is broken. There’s also titlecase.

Titlecase is used for ligatures and digraphs such as ‘fl’, ‘dz’ and ‘lj’, which need special handling. For example, LJ titlecases to Lj rather than lj.

Code that assumes characters like > always points to the right and < always points to the left are wrong — because they in fact do not.

When using Right-to-Left rendering, glyphs such as > change appearance to < to account for the change of direction. )Otherwise parentheses would look odd(

Code that assumes that all \p{Math} code points are visible characters is wrong.

Four are invisible! They are intended for use in equations:

  • U+2061 FUNCTION APPLICATION — e.g. sin⁡x
  • U+2062 INVISIBLE TIMES — e.g. 2⁢n
  • U+2063 INVISIBLE SEPARATOR — matrix indices: ai⁣j
  • U+2064 INVISIBLE PLUS — intended for fractions, such as 3⁤½

This could allow renderers to do nifty things like line break in the middle of 2⁢n and insert a multiplication sign (×). The invisible plus is especially weird because as an operator, it would hold a higher precedence than multiplication!

Realistically though, dedicated math markup is best for this sort of thing.

Code that believes you can use 🐪 (Perl) printf widths to pad and justify Unicode data is broken and wrong.

You can’t, because some characters have no width (combining accents, control characters) while some have double-width (CJKV ideographs, ‘full-width’ letters).

Most likely printf will interpret each codepoint as a character with a width of one, so for things like Chinese it’ll pad completely wrong.

For Perl the solution is Unicode::GCString.

Code that assumes every code point takes up no more than one print column is broken.

Ideographic characters (CJKV) typically take up two print columns. More generally, anything with East_Asian_Width equal to Wide or Fullwidth (, ). This includes variants of the Latin alphabet, punctuation and numbers, which are designed to play nicely with CJKV characters.

Code that assumes that diacritics \p{Diacritic} and marks \p{Mark} are the same thing is broken.

Confusing nomenclature. If you care, read on.

\p{Mark} is a general category composed of \p{Nonspacing_Mark} (zero-width), \p{Spacing_Mark} (positive width) and \p{Enclosing_Mark}, all of which are combining characters. \p{Diacritic} is a character property meaning ‘a character that linguistically modifies the meaning of another character to which they apply’, but may or may not be combining.

Marks (combining characters) that are not diacritics include general purpose combining characters like small Latin letters ◌ͪ, vowel signs1, and variation selectors. There are 1,068 in total.

Diacritics that are not marks include Latin-1 characters such as ^ and `, full-width accents (, ) and ‘modifier letters’ such as ʰ. There are 209 in total.

Code that assumes that all \p{Mark} characters take up zero print columns is broken.

As discussed, \p{Mark} includes spacing characters of non-zero width. They are mostly vowel signs.

Code that assumes \p{GC=Dash_Punctuation} covers as much as \p{Dash} is broken.

Four code points in other general categories have the Dash property: SWUNG DASH, SUPERSCRIPT MINUS, SUBSCRIPT MINUS, MINUS SIGN. Exciting! The latter three are in the “Math Symbol” category.

Code that assumes dash, hyphens, and minuses are the same thing as each other, or that there is only one of each, is broken and wrong.

Hyphens and minus signs are naturally different, and the main reason we use - HYPHEN-MINUS for both is ASCII legacy. Unicode supplies dedidated characters for both, HYPHEN and MINUS SIGN, which your editor could substitute automatically.

Naturally there are lots of variants of each, such as EN DASH and EM DASH, DOUBLE OBLIQUE HYPHEN, HEAVY MINUS SIGN.

Regular Expression Assumptions

Code that believes \p{InLatin} is the same as \p{Latin} is heinously broken.

\p{InLatin} does not exist in my Perl 5.16, but \p{InLatin1} does: it’s the same as \p{Block=Latin1} (filters by block). In contrast, \p{Latin} is equivalent to \p{Script=Latin} (filters by script). See perluniprops for gory details.

These are clearly different; the Latin-1 block contains all kinds of junk, including control characters, superscripts, fractions and currency signs. In the other direction, Latin can be found in the ASCII block, and elsewhere.

Code that believes that \p{InLatin} is almost ever useful is almost certainly wrong.

Again, assuming \p{InLatin1}, it would be useless as the block has such a diverse set of characters.

Code that believes that given $FIRST_LETTER as the first letter in some alphabet and $LAST_LETTER as the last letter in that same alphabet, that [${FIRST_LETTER}-${LAST_LETTER}] has any meaning whatsoever is almost always completely broken and wrong and meaningless.

Unicode places no semantic value on the codepoint number. It may or may not be related to nearby codepoints; if it is, it’s usually just because that was convenient when assigning them.

Alphabets vary by locale; while [a-z] works OK for English (many may disagree…), the Danish/Norweigian alphabet includes æ, ø, and å at the end. [a-å] matches a huge chunk of ASCII and Latin-1, included most capital accented characters, Latin-1 control characters, and punctuation. Not ideal.

Code that assumes \w contains only letters, digits, and underscores is wrong.

\w is generally locale specific for any POSIX-compatible regex engine.

For Perl 5.14+, \w matches “anything that is a letter or digit somewhere in the world”, but also includes “connector punctuation marks and Unicode marks” (perlre). This means vowel signs and combining accents. Use the regular expression /a flag to get a more legacy behaviour where \w is just [a-z0-9_] and \d is [0-9].

In other languages, see documentation to see which definition of \w applies.

Perl Unicode Assumptions

Code that assumes Perl uses UTF‑8 internally is wrong.

Code that assumes Perl code points are limited to 0x10_FFFF is wrong.

Wrong in multiple ways.

  • Perl uses a very permissive variant of UTF-8 it calls ‘utf8’ which allows very high codepoints (beyond 0x10_FFFF) and illegal characters or sequences.
  • Perl may use ISO-8859-1 if the string’s UTF8 flag is unset.
  • On EBCDIC platforms, different encodings may be used.

The idea is that Perl’s internal representation is abstract; you should not rely on it; you should be blissfully unaware of it and just decode input data into Perl’s representation, and then encode when outputting it.

Unfortunately that is not true of Perls before 5.14 due to a variety of bugs, including The Unicode Bug.

Code that assumes you can set $/ to something that will work with any valid line separator is wrong.

The set of valid Unicode linebreak sequences requires a regex, but $/ can only be a single string. You can use \R in regular expressions to do The Right Thing. (see perlrebackslash)

Much Ado About \X

So \X matches an ‘extended grapheme cluster’ which is basically what a user would think of as a character. It accounts for decomposed Hangul, Latin characters with combining diacritics, and so on.

Code that uses \PM\pM* to find grapheme clusters instead of using \X is broken and wrong.

\PM\pM* means a non-mark char followed by zero or more mark chars. It has a couple of major differences I think:

  • \X handles decomposed Hangul and regional indicators
  • \X uses Unicode’s Grapheme_Cluster_Break properties instead of the Mark general category.

In short, it’s much better, but more complicated, so PCRE implements \X as \PM\pM* instead.

Code that assumes \X can never start with a \p{Mark} character is wrong.

Vowel signs (again!) are in \p{Grapheme_Base} but also \p{Mark}, so \X may start with them. This makes sense if you think about it.

If it’s at the start of the string, \X will match anything.

Code that assumes there is a limit to the number of code points in a row that just one \X can match is wrong.

This can be seen from the grammar of \X:

# All the tables with _X_ in their names are used in defining \X handling,
# and are based on the Unicode GCB property.  Basically, \X matches:
#   CR LF
#   | Prepend* Begin Extend*
#   | .
# Begin is:           ( Special_Begin | ! Control )
# Begin is also:      ( Regular_Begin | Special_Begin )
#   where Regular_Begin is defined as ( ! Control - Special_Begin )
# Special_Begin is:   ( Regional-Indicator+ | Hangul-syllable )
# Extend is:          ( Grapheme_Extend | Spacing_Mark )
# Control is:         [ GCB_Control | CR | LF ]
# Hangul-syllable is: ( T+ | ( L* ( L | ( LVT | ( V | LV ) V* ) T* ) ))

(Prepend, Extend, L/T/V etc. come from the Grapheme_Cluster_Break property).

So it’ll slurp up all regional indicator characters and any number of L/V/T components in a decomposed Hangul syllable construction.

Code that assumes that \X can never hold two non-\p{Mark} characters is wrong.

Hangul components aren’t in \p{Mark}, for example. There are also \p{Grapheme_Extend} code points that lie outside \p{Mark}, such as U+200C and U+200D.

Encoding Assumptions

Code that believes UTF-16 is a fixed-width encoding is stupid, broken, and wrong.

The confusion arises from UTF-16 using a fixed 2 bytes for every codepoint inside the BMP, which is the 63K most common codepoints. Outside the BMP (~1M codepoints), they must be represented in 4 bytes via a surrogate pair consisting of one high and one low surrogate character.

Many programs assume UTF-16 is fixed width for performance reasons. These programs are broken unless they account for surrogates at some stage.

Even if you account for this though, you still need to worry about combining characters, whatever the encoding; one codepoint is not one character.

Code that assumes the CESU-8 is a valid UTF encoding is wrong. Likewise, code that thinks encoding U+0000 as “\xC0\x80” is UTF-8 is broken and wrong.

CESU-8 is easily confused with UTF-8; it is similar, except codepoints outside the BMP are represented with UTF-16 surrogates which are themselves ‘encoded’ in a similar manner to UTF-8. It is not a valid UTF encoding because UTF encodings don’t define how to encode surrogates. It’s also not part of the Unicode Standard.

Null bytes are encoded as \xC0\x80 to allow \x00 to be used as an end-of-string marker in C-like languages. This is not valid UTF-8 because UTF-8 requires the most minimal byte sequence to be used for each codepoint, which for codepoint 0 would be \x00.

Curiously, Oracle and MySQL databases use CESU-8 internally but call it ‘UTF-8’.

In case of mistakes

If you come across anything misleading or just plain wrong, please e-mail me.


Thanks to James Stanley for catching some formatting errors.

  1. Vowel signs are used in scripts such Arabic where written vowels are optional.